
Hello there. Welcome to the page that tells you about me. While you are here help yourself with some cookies (Just kidding we don’t give out cookies here… yet) and make yourself comfortable. Are you ready? Great.

I am Pranav Garg, you can call me PG. I am an aspiring polymath with a keen interest in software development and theoretical Neuroscience. As a proud BITSian who hails from BITS Pilani Goa campus, I pursued my bachelors degree in Electrical & Electronics engineering and spent a lot of time working on various projects. I enjoy working on open source projects and exploring various software architectures. I am currently exploring the wonders of cloud computing at Amazon as part of Value Added Services, a services platform which is a startup within Amazon.

Apart from computer sciences; I enjoy writing short stories, trying different varieties of tisane, running and playing single player video games.

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